Business Units
Business Units represent divisions or branches within your company. B2W Inform comes installed with a single business unit named Organization. This default business unit represents your entire company. You can rename Organization, but not delete it. To enhance security, build a hierarchy of business units beneath Organization.
Note: The Business Units page is visible only to users with Tenant Administrator privileges.
Name - The name of the business unit. This name must be unique.
Parent Business Unit - The business unit's immediate parent business unit. The immediate parent business unit may be a child of another business unit.
Description - A description of the business unit, its role or relation within the company.
Child Business Units - (Read-only) displays a list of all child business units represented under this business unit.
Users in This Business Unit - (Read-only) displays a list of all B2W Inform users assigned under this business unit.
Create a new business unit
You can create an unlimited number of business units in B2W Inform. Each Business Unit represents a division or branch within your company.
- Navigate to the Business Units page in Setup.
- Click Create Business Unit.
- Enter a name for the business unit. Names have to be unique within a business unit.
- Select the Parent Business Unit. The parent business unit may be a child of another business unit.
- Enter a description of the business unit.
- Click Create.
Edit a business unit
- Navigate to the Business Units page in Setup.
- Click Edit in the Action column of the business unit you want to edit.
- Edit the fields you want to change.
- Click Save.