Business Units

Business Units represent divisions or branches within your company. B2W Inform comes installed with a single business unit named Organization. This default business unit represents your entire company. You can rename Organization, but not delete it. To enhance security, build a hierarchy of business units beneath Organization.

Note: The Business Units page is visible only to users with Tenant Administrator privileges.


Create a new business unit

You can create an unlimited number of business units in B2W Inform. Each Business Unit represents a division or branch within your company.

  1. Navigate to the Business Units page in Setup.
  2. Click Create Business Unit.
  3. Enter a name for the business unit. Names have to be unique within a business unit.
  4. Select the Parent Business Unit. The parent business unit may be a child of another business unit.
  5. Enter a description of the business unit.
  6. Click Create.

Edit a business unit

  1. Navigate to the Business Units page in Setup.
  2. Click Edit in the Action column of the business unit you want to edit.
  3. Edit the fields you want to change.
  4. Click Save.