User Groups
Use this feature to create, manage, and set security permissions for User Groups.
Think of a User Group as a set of permissions that defines a security role. Assigning users to a User Group determines the actions they can perform and where they can perform them.
About permission tables
Use the five permission tables on the Create User Group and Edit User Group pages to configure permissions for user groups:
- Administrative Permissions
- Template Permissions
- Form Permissions
- Report Permissions
- Alert Permissions.
Creating and editing user groups
Below you'll find the basic steps for creating and editing user groups.
See the User Groups permissions guide topic for details about allowed actions and access.
Create new user group
- Click Create New User Group.
- Enter information in the following fields:
- Name – The name of the user group you want to create.
- Description – Add a description for this group.
- Add Users – Add specific users to your group.
Permissions – Set up specific permissions for this user group by selecting the check box next to the permission and item you want to set.
See the User Groups permissions guide for information about granting permissions.
- Use the permissions tables to define which actions users in this group can perform.
- Click Create.
Your newly created user group will appear on the User Groups home page.
Edit group
- Find the group you want to edit.
- Click Edit in the Action column.
- Edit the group properties.
- Click Save.
Delete group
- Find the user group you want to delete.
- Click Delete in the Action column.
- Click Yes in the Delete Group dialog box.