
You can use the following operators listed in the table below to create formulas for the data in your forms. To use these formulas, insert a Computed component into your template and add the formula to the Formula Editor. Use component's names with operators to complete formula.

Operator Name Syntax Associativity Example Result
(, ) Parentheses (x) None 2 * (3 + 4) 14
[, ] Matrix, Index [...] None [[1,2],[3,4]] [[1,2],[3,4]]
, Parameter separator x, y Left to right max(2, 1, 5) 5
; Statement separator x; y Left to right a=2; b=3; a*b [6]
; Row separator [x, y] Left to right [1,2;3,4] [[1,2],[3,4]]
\n Statement separator x \n y Left to right a=2 \n b=3 \n a*b [2,3,6]
+ Add x + y Left to right 4 + 5 9
+ Unary plus +y Right to left +4 4
- Subtract x - y Left to right 7 - 3 4
- Unary minus -y Right to left -4 -4
* Multiply x * y Left to right 2 * 3 6
.* Element-wise multiply x .* y Left to right [1,2,3] .* [1,2,3] [1,4,9]
/ Divide x / y Left to right 6 / 2 3
sqrt(x Square Root sqrt(x None sqrt(16) 4
./ Element-wise divide x ./ y Left to right [9,6,4] ./ [3,2,2] [3,3,2]
%, mod Modulus x % y Left to right 8 % 3 2
^ Power x ^ y Right to left 2 ^ 3 8
.^ Element-wise power x .^ y Right to left [2,3] .^ [3,3] [9,27]
' Transpose y' Left to right [[1,2],[3,4]]' [[1,3],[2,4]]
! Factorial y! Left to right 5! 120
& Bitwise and x & y Left to right 5 & 3 1
~ Bitwise not ~x Right to left ~2 -3
| Bitwise or x | y Left to right 5 | 3 7
^| Bitwise xor x ^| y Left to right 5 ^| 2 6
<< Left shift x << y Left to right 4 << 1 8
>> Right arithmetic shift x >> y Left to right 8 >> 1 4
>>> Right logical shift x >>> y Left to right -8 >>> 1 2147483644
and Logical and x and y Left to right true and false false
not Logical not not y Right to left not true false
or Logical or x or y Left to right true or false true
xor Logical xor x xor y Left to right true xor true false
= Assignment x = y Right to left a = 5 5
? : Conditional expression x ? y : z Right to left 15 > 100 ? 1 : -1 -1
: Range x : y Right to left 1:4 [1,2,3,4]
to, in Unit conversion x to y Left to right 2 inch to cm 5.08 cm
== Equal x == y Left to right 2 == 4 - 2 true
!= Unequal x != y Left to right 2 != 3 true
< Smaller x < y Left to right 2 < 3 true
> Larger x > y Left to right 2 > 3 false
<= Smallereq x <= y Left to right 4 <= 3 false
>= Largereq x >= y Left to right 2 + 4 >= 6 true